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Boy's First Communion Gift Set by Renowned Artist Sister M. I. Hummel


Boy's First Communion Gift Sets include:

- First Communion Mass Book
- Rosary with vinyl rosary case
- Laminated scapular
- Lapel pin
- Leatherette wallet

Each mass book contains the Order of the Mass, the story of Jesus, favorite Catholic prayers, the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross and the Sacrament of Reconciliation with an Examination of Conscience and "How to Go to Confession." Features exclusive full-color artwork by Sister M. I. Hummel throughout the padded-covered, gold-edged book.

©Hummel® - Licensee Christian Brands. Hummel® and M.I. Hummel® are trademarks used under license from the Franciscan Convent of Siessen/Germany. ©ARS AG, Baar Switzerland 2015 -- Mass Book, Scapular, Rosary, Lapel Pin, Vinyl Rosary Case, Leatherette Wallet

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